Barclay x Thurlow
Vancouver, West End VW
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- Apartment/Condo
- Address: 1040 Barclay Street, Vancouver, BC
- Number of Floor: 60
- Number of Unit: 365
- Developer: Bosa Properties and Kingswood Properties
- Architect: Perkins&Will
- Building Name: Barclay x Thurlow
Barclay x Thurlow is a new condo development by Bosa Properties and Kingswood Properties currently under construction at 1040 Barclay Street, Vancouver. Barclay x Thurlow has a total of 365 units.
Located at the intersection of Vancouver’s Downtown and West End, this dynamic, diverse community hub will bring palpable energy to its growing neighbourhood. The site is designed to promote community and connection with an urban park at the heart of the development that creates an open, welcoming space for residents and visitors alike.
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