Contour Metrotown
Burnaby, Metrotown
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- Apartment/Condo
- Address: 4330 Maywood Street, Burnaby, BC
- Number of Floor: 24
- Number of Unit: 91
- Developer: SVM Developments and Kirpal Group
- Architect: GBL Architects
- Year Built: Est. Compl. Spring 2025
- Building Name: Contour Metrotown
Contour Metrotown is a new condo development by SVM Developments and Kirpal Group currently in preconstruction at 4330 Maywood Street, Burnaby. The development is scheduled for completion in 2025. Contour Metrotown has a total of 91 units.
Metrotown’s only true boutique tower. Immerse yourself in a dynamic lifestyle right in the heart of Burnaby’s new city core. Luxurious, Innovative, and Diverse - Contour by SVM Homes and Kirpal Group is reinventing a modern approach to living.
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